Monday, January 9, 2012

Boring Can Be Better

Brandon and I are not exciting people. We work, parent, take care of the house, cook; you know, the usual stuff. We have fun...and we laugh...A LOT! But we don't have a lot of drama. Both of us are so "to-the-point" (that's my nice way of saying "cut-the-sh*t" - ha ha) that I don't think our friends or family are ever left wondering what we think. We hate lying. We are strict parents. We have high expectations of our life - friends, family, kids, ourselves. If you know us, and sometimes even if you don't, you pretty much know what to expect from us. It's just easier that way.

It's just easier to live your life being forthcoming and honest. I can't imagine going to work every day wondering if this would be the day they might surprise me with a drug test. I can't imagine having to worry about who I run into at the grocery store for fear they might say something I didn't want someone else to know. I can't imagine driving down the road every day wondering if I got pulled over that I might get arrested. I can't imagine having to worry about any of these types of things. And I don't believe Brandon could imagine it either. Now I'm not talking about the situations beyond your control, I'm talking about the thing you can control: your behavior.

Don't get me wrong, we've made stupid decisions and have had to live with the consequences. We've dealt with the unpleasantness of collection agencies calling (because we were dumb in college and didn't pay our bills). We've dealt with avoiding people just to dodge the uncomfortable encounter (better to duck out of sight and evade a confrontation to keep from hurting someone's feelings) We've had to delicately phrase certain decisions to certain people. We also choose to behave a certain way. We don't do drugs (anymore), we don't drink to excess (very often - and if we do there's a DD) and we don't choose to hang out with people who are toxic in our life.  It's just easier that way.

As a result, we're boring. But it's a good boring. If it means I can live life with a clear conscience I will take it!


  1. I wouldn't say that's boring... I'd say that's normal. :)

  2. I'm not so sure it is "normal" least not with some of the people I'm exposed to :)
