Monday, January 31, 2011

Pretty Happy with Ourselves

At New Year's I posted about our resolutions for this year (see Afraid of Commitment) and our difficulty committing to a whole year's worth of commitment and dedication. And so, we decided to break it down month by month. For January: no eating out except if we had gift cards or it was someone else's treat.

There were times it was really tough. The kids are in ski lessons right now and it has been hard for them to not get hot chocolate after their lessons to warm up and have a treat; especially when their friends are sitting next to them with their steaming chocolatey goodness! However, they've been really good about recognizing our goal and knowing that we are working towards something meaningful - not only to save money but also a lesson in setting goals, making a commitment and keeping your word. One day I packed the kids lunches as we went to visit my mom in the hospital. Dummy as I am however, I forgot to bring anything for myself! Starbucks called to me as we went in Barnes & Noble to look at books but I resisted and ended up finding a box of Ritz that I had left in the car. Granted, not the most healthy lunch, but I am competitive and was NOT going to be the one who ruined the streak. There were many other times when we had to keep reminding ourselves of our resolution: nights when we were running late and it would've been easier to pick something up, mornings when I barely had a chance to make coffee and would normally have just stopped at Starbucks on the way to work and of course when it's your daughter's birthday and we have traditionally gone out to eat. (We creeped out of that one though as generous Papa bought her Chinese for dinner on her birthday, which ended up being a treat for all of us!)

Today, January 31st, I am proud to say that we (almost) achieved our goal. We did have two small issues over the month where we had to grab something out. In both instances we were ill prepared with food for the kiddos. But, rather than just ditch the resolution and start eating out, we grabbed a small snack and tried to keep with our goal. Total spent on eating out in January? $12.67! Not at all bad I think. I am proud of us and our achievement. We probably saved somewhere between $250-$500! Tomorrow, we're having dinner out at Playa Bonita as a prize for achieving our goal! The kids can't wait!

Coming tomorrow: February's goal. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Work I Urge My Kids to Find

I spent my childhood listening to my Dad complain about work. Every dinner, every weeknight, we sat as he unloaded the burdens of working for a bureaucracy. Now, as much as I try not to, I fear I have become him - nearly the same complaints, all the same types of problems (really government-type agencies? You haven't figured anything out in all these years?) - and I HATE it! I don't want my kids to be subject to listening to my ranting and raving, day in and day out, all the negativity and bad juju. ...Or do I?

Here is what I want for my kids: To do well in school, go to Europe for the summer after High School graduation, go to college and find a career they are indescribably passionate about. I want them to be one of those people who LOVES their job; one of those people that can't speak highly enough about what they do; one of THOSE people... I know they exist. I've met a couple of them. I hope they will take the opportunity. I want them to break the cycle of working a monotonous job that they hate even if it does pay well.

We can never predict the paths our lives will take. If you would've told me at age 20 what I'd be doing at age 32 I would've NEVER believed you. And so I can't know what my children will do with their lives. I do believe I am doing the things I can to make them responsible, good people that can look at life and see all of its possibilities while still having the confidence and wit to question the things that are presented to them and make good decisions. I want my daughter to be strong and confident, while still having the sensibility and grace to conduct herself professionally, especially under pressure. I want my son to be caring and kind while maintaining strength, intelligence and skepticism when making decisions.

I hope, hope, hope for the best things in life for my children (like all of us do). I hope they see that the opportunity to have experiences may be worth more than material possessions. I don't want them to think that getting a job, getting married and buying a house is the path everyone has to take. By all means, if that is their dream I hope they achieve it. I just don't want their idea of the "right" path to be constricted to that definition. Whatever their dreams I hope they come true and they never have to sit at the dinner table spouting their work troubles at their kids!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

First it's the Shower, Next it's a Car!

Tonight my son took a shower by himself. Ok, he needed me there to watch to make sure he was doing things right, but he essentially took a shower by himself. In a way I am SO happy! One less chore for me to do. We're approaching the day when I can just send him to take a shower and continue doing whatever I'm doing. And that is a nice thing. Except....

That also means that I am no longer needed for shower time. And then I won't be needed for help with homework. And then I won't be needed for driving him around to sports and birthday parties. And then he'll be going to college. Aaaahhhh!!!

It's a tiny step, and one I KNOW that he needs to learn, but maybe I'm ok with him wanting me to give him a bath...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Raising a Prodigy

Yes, my daughter is a genius, but that's not what I'm talking about. I've posted before about the foreign language Brandon and I speak: movie/TV lines. It is becoming apparent that our legacy will continue at least with our daughter.

She is a 'Friends' fanatic, much like myself. We have all the re-runs scheduled to record on the DVR from all the stations that play them. We will spend a lazy Sunday watching all 10 episodes. I know, it's our Momma-Daughter guilty pleasure.

Months ago we were at my folks house playing Euchre. Someone flubbed up dealing and stuck their hands out on the table. Lilly's first response? "Identical hand twin!" she says with the inflection and everything! (In case you don't remember the episode, Joey is in Vegas and finds a dealer that he believes is his identical hand twin; a trait he believes they will make millions of dollars from.) We were so proud, giggling at her keen wit and proper use of the line. My parents looked at each other puzzled.

Tonight Lilly and I were joking around. I was teasing her for something and giving her a hard time - the usual at our house - when she popped out with, "Whatever dude, you kissed a guy!" Yes, another 'Friends' quote and it was hilarious! I laughed so hard I had to text the conversation to Brandon. She is such a kick. I can't get enough of her!

So if my sweet little daughter happens to be spending time with you and she comes out with some weird, off-the-wall quote, think back to those 'Friends' episodes you watched as a teenager - it might trigger a memory!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Why Does Your 5-year-old Have a Cell Phone?

There exists this ongoing debate amongst parents: at what age do you get your child a cell phone?

Brandon and I have been mostly against any kid who doesn't go do things unattended having a cell phone. Really, why does my 9 year old need a phone when she is dropped off at school, picked up at school, and picked up by me any other time? I can see if they are going to be alone. Back when we were in school, when some of us were walking and staying home by ourselves everyday for a couple of hours it may have been nice to have had a cell phone. Sadly, we are so old they didn't exist least not in a size that a child could carry! Nowadays, whether it's unfounded or not, it seems like a scarier world. Maybe not. Maybe our parents felt exactly the same way we do when we let our kids run to the bathroom at the store when we're only yards away, or play on the playground at their school while their siblings play soccer, or leave them at home alone while we go chat with the neighbors for a second (note: our closest neighbor is a 1/4 mile away!).

Either way, we struggle with the cell phone issue. Lilly asks for one every birthday, Christmas and at random times throughout the year. Sometimes it's, "I REALLY want a cell phone!" And other times it's, "How old do I have to be to get a cell phone?" One time she was feeling particularly witty she added, "You know Mom, if I had a cell phone I could text you during the day to let you know how much I love you!" (She's already trying to out-psychologist me - well it's not going to work! I spent a lot of years earning that degree) I always tell her that she will get a cell phone when she NEEDS one; when she's doing after school sports and needs to call for a ride or something like that. But what is "need" anyway? After all, I didn't get my first cell phone until I was 22! And yet, sometimes Brandon and I comment that we'd just like to send her a text at lunch to ask her how her day is going!

Only time will tell. I suppose as the phone rings more at home with sweet little girl voices asking, "Can I talk to Lilly please?" we will start to consider getting her a phone. As she comes home with the classic, "But everybody has one! I'm the only one who doesn't!" I'm sure we'll feel the pressure.

Anyone else have any great wisdom? Or does your kid already have a cell phone? ;-)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Slumber Party

I remember my first slumber party. I was in 3rd grade and one of my closest friends was having a slumber party. I was always kind of a weenie and I was scared to go and stay the night. My dad told me that if I committed to go I would have to stay and that if I came home I would be grounded. I lasted until 11pm, and then I called my mom. I ended up coming home, and I ended up being stuck in the house grounded on one of the nicest weekends of the year (and when I was a kid Seattle only had a couple).

So, when Lilly decided that she wanted to have a slumber party for her 9th birthday I was on board. And I am fully aware that I may end up driving a little girl home in the middle of the night, and that's ok. I remember how horrible that feeling was and I will gladly drag my butt out of bed to drive someone home....whatever the time may be.

As I write I'm sitting in the middle of 9 screaming little girls. They are just as I expected: giggly, loud, excited girls who are totally into getting their fingernails painted and having a facial. I've been told I'm crazy for having this many of them at my house at one time but I can stand one night...especially if it makes my daughter happy. Amongst the cheers and the air hockey challenges and chatter about how rude the girl in the movie is I keep hearing, "This is the BEST party I've ever been to!" And that makes it all worth it to me!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Teardrops on her Guitar

From as far back as I can remember Lilly has been asking for a guitar. Since she discovered music as a tiny little squirt she has always favored female artists, especially the ones who play their own instruments. I swear this girl is a born feminist (but not in a bad way)!

Resisting the urge to buy the Toys R Us special at Christmas for some piece of garbage that she would strum on a couple times playing and never do anything with again. Not to mention that it wouldn't be sufficient to learn on anyway, we still want to foster a love for music. When I was a kid I played the violin. I can read music (although I'm pretty rusty) and I've dabbled in the piano. Brandon (tried) to play saxophone when he was young. We value these abilities and experiences and we don't want to keep her from having them herself.

She wants to be famous. She always has. She would stand at the TV when she had to hold on to the entertainment center in order to stand and point at it, "Me in there?" When she was three we were approached by someone with a modeling agency. We went and had the headshots done, went on a few auditions but really, if you aren't a stay-at-home parent, with only one child, there's really no way to do the kid modeling gig. They call at 8pm the night before a casting call in Oregon at 7 tomorrow morning. It's just too much. But she still wants to be famous.

Now that she's almost nine she's traded the "Me in there?" for "Mom, I belong on TV." I hope that she pursues her dream. I hope that she finds the thing that she is so overly passionate for that it consumes her life and she lives her dream, whether it be as an actress or a dentist.

Ahhh, my little drama queen. Maybe this will be her ticket.....
It will be here on Thursday! Can't wait to see her face!

Monday, January 10, 2011

"Crushing" for the First Time

Today after dinner Logan was running around, dancing to his own music and generally being happy and goofy. He kept shooting sly looks at his sister. I stood, eyeing them, trying to figure out what was going on.

"I have a secret Mommy," Logan said.
"Oh yeah, what's your secret?" I asked, praying it wouldn't be that he "accidentally" misplaced a hermit crab or something.
"Well....(grins, turns bright red) I can't tell you. It has to do with <draws a heart in the air with his hands>"
"Do you like someone Logan?" I ask sweetly. He is very easily embarassed and I want him to be able to tell us these types of things.
"Lilly, you tell her." Logan blurts out.
Lilly shines her half smile at me with a look that says, "aaaah, it's so cute."
(You know, something you would say as a mother when two babies first meet and clasp their hands together. I swear she is WAY to grown up already.)
"Logan is crushing on a girl at school," Lilly finally spits out.
Logan looks up at me smiling, "Her name is Lauren."
"I see," I say and give him a kiss, "is she cute?"
"Yeah, she is Mom. But she's mostly really nice. And I'm pretty sure she's crushing on me because she chases me around and I like it."

OMG! My sweet little boy is "crushing" on some little girl! He couldn't have told us in a sweeter manner. For as tough and strong as that boy is I'm sure that he is going to be a gentle giant when it comes to the ladies. For all of you six or seven year old girls out there this is one to watch!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's Birthday Week!

Today we told Lil about her new gift of turning 9....DISHES! Yay! You get to start doing the dishes every night! She is less than thrilled. Brandon and I both told her that she had an extra year off as we started doing the dishes at our respective houses at 8 or younger. She found little solace in this. Oh well....
Meeting the boys at Daddy's rugby game
Already with the belly shirts....we're SO in trouble!
Hike up to the ice caves
She's looking for Mayo. He was giving her tastes of grown up drink!
Eelkema's beach on the Fourth
Somehow she got to Mardi Gras without us

One of the cutest pictures ever

Cultivating a Love for Dumbledore

Brandon and I were in college when Harry Potter first arrived on the scene. If I remember correctly the night 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' was released we had wandered over to the Fred Meyer just a few blocks from our houses for a midnight beer run. When we got there dozens and dozens of little kids were lined up around the store. "What is wrong with these people?" I said as we strolled by a line of kids with two cases of Busch Ice. Brandon shrugged. "Why are all these little kids out, in this town, at midnight?" A passer-by leaned over, "One of those Harry Potter books comes out tonight at midnight." I had no idea who or what a Harry Potter was. I couldn't of cared less really. All I wanted was the party to continue!

Fast forward to summer 2002, Brandon decides to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. By this time our daughter is 6 months old and we figure since these books are still being released, and kids are still waiting in line at midnight to get them, it might be something we should know about. He started the book and could hardly put it down. It wasn't too long before we had all four that had been released. He was hooked and was urging me to join the fanfare. The 1st movie had just been released and he wanted me to know what he was talking about when he was speaking of the adventures Harry, Ron and Hermoine had. So I watched the movie, and it was pretty good. Then I decided to read the books. He was right. I couldn't put them down. I read all four in about 3 weeks.

Since then we were right there with the 9 year old fanatics desperately wanting the next book to be released. So of course we couldn't wait when Lilly, and later Logan, were old enough to be interested in these books. We've tried a few times, sadly barely making it past the first couple chapters before they lose interest and ask that we read something else. It's heartbreaking to these two 32 year olds who have read the books numerous times! But tonight.....tonight we told Logan to pick out a new chapter book for us to start reading at bedtime. To our surprise and delight he came down with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. "Let's read Harry Potter," he gleamed, "why haven't you guys read these to us before. We've only seen the movies." (Leave it to Logan to "forget" the past!)

And so, we read the first two chapters. The kids snuggled up, listened intently, and Logan drifted off at the last paragraph of chapter 2. We are so happy! Brandon and I both share a love for reading and having our kids get interested in a book series we love is fantastic. Yay us!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Go Hawks!

Congratulations to the Seahawks! I proudly wore my jersey today even though I took some crap from some complete strangers. Always gotta root for the home team. I sat and watched the game, by myself, beer in hand, hootin' and hollerin' so much that the dogs were looking at me like I was crazy!

Brandon and the kids were on the mountain today so I recorded the game for him. We watched it tonight and although Logan isn't thrilled about watching 3 hours of football he does like the game...mostly the hitting part! While we watched the game Logan asked when he gets to play football. "When you're a bit older buddy," I said, "Daddy wants to make sure you've grown a bit, but don't worry you'll get to play." He seemed content with that. A few minutes later he said, "After I get to start playing I'm going to be really good...better than those guys (pointing to the screen)...and I want to play for the Seahawks."

I'm so envious of the goals that my kids set for themselves. They are young, they still believe that they have the capability to do whatever they want to be. I wish I still had that. I wish that grown-ups could have that more easily. I'm trying to see that. I'm trying to see that what I'm doing now doesn't necessarily direct what I'll be doing tomorrow. I want to go back to school. Brandon wants to go back to school. I want Brandon to go back to school. We are NOT going to lose the "I can be whatever I want to be" line of thinking....we're not!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Why Were Our Parents Right?

When I was a kid I remember having a vacation planned and the time it took to get to the day to leave seemed like FOREVER! Summer was wonderful and long, after school started it took eons to get to Christmas break, and you felt like your birthday was just never going to happen. I remember complaining and my mom saying, "Someday time will go by so fast you won't remember last week." I always thought she was crazy....until now.

As I sit at work and painstakingly watch the clock tick, every second seemingly an hour, I think, geez this day is never going to end. But it's 2011 folks. And I can't remember where last year went. I can't remember what it was like 9 years ago sitting in a hospital room waiting for my life to change. I mean, sure, I remember (74 hours of labor makes an impression) but I hardly remember the sleepless nights, the dirty diapers, all the firsts that came along. I look back at these pictures and I am SO grateful to have them. Looking at them I can remember a moment at least and I'm surprised by how detailed my memories are of some random picture I took, while I was sitting on the couch, years ago.

Here are more of my darling little girl. As we count down the days to "9" I will share with my favorite pictures of her through the years...
Why do kids love playing in cabinets? I remember liking it to. I used to climb into my toy box. I guess it's just some quirky thing with kiddos!
This was Daddy's 24th birthday. Lilly was sick but still kooky enough to make faces with Daddy!
Here they are again. There are probably 10-15 of these in the series.
Not happy that I was putting the pony tails in her hair. She still cries if you pull her hair!
This kind of joy can not be matched - hers or ours!
Very first step. Freedom at last!

Can't wait for senior slideshow - she is going to HATE us!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Stop the Madness!

I never intended to have kids. I was never a kid person. When all the other girls were bragging about how much money they were making baby-sitting all I could think is, "You couldn't pay me enough!" Don't get me wrong, I watched a kid or two, because it was the thing that I was supposed to be doing, or because my mom volunteered me. But I never really liked it. When a little kid would wander over to me at a family party or something I was the girl with the look on her face crying HELP!

So when I found out I was pregnant I was nothing short of terrified. What was I going to do? What if I didn't like my own kid? I just KNEW I was going to be a horrible mother.....until my good friend and co-worker, Jennifer, eased some of my fears. I will never forget her words to me as I cried in our conference room: "I never liked kids either, I still don't like other people's kids, but I LOVE my son!" Jennifer at WEA Fourth Corner in Bellingham, if you don't remember saying these words, you should. I will never forget them!

Now, 9 years and 2 kids later, I don't know what I would do without them. I know I'm not the best Momma ever; I'm not one of those women who claims to never lose it, to never yell at my kids, to always be understanding. I'm sarcastic. I probably am making them a little too cynical a little too early. I make fun of them from time to time. But I would do ANYTHING for them. I just can't believe that my little girl is going to be 9!

Brand new

Thinking of myself as 23 still I just can't grasp that my little red headed sweetie pete is going to be 9! She's always been wise beyond her years; she talked early, she's had a shoe obsession since day 1, she is SUPER smart, witty and catches on to more than I wished she would.

Here are some pics of my sweetie peetie:

Always LOVED the camera!
favorite blankie - couldn't live without it. Left it at home and bought another at Target for the trip we were on....then we had to bring BOTH everywhere!

Oooooh, are those new shoes over there?

One of my favorite pictures EVER!
 I still can't believe it. How can we already be half done raising her? And gee whiz, have we done a good enough job so far?!?!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Monica's Closet

I have a dirty little secret.

I know I've quoted and chatted about 'Friends', my favorite TV show of all time, before. I watched it religiously when it first ran when I was in high school and I faithfully watch re-runs now. I just can't get enough. For whatever reason it just never gets old! Anyway, if you've watched 'Friends' you may know that Monica is OCD; she can't handle anything out of place and is fanatical about it. On one episode one of the friends exposes her secret: a messy closet full of junk!

In the first years that we met, as well as the first year or so of our marriage Brandon constantly called me Monica. Just for background I acquired my OCD from my mother who is worse than I am. Thankfully (because really who can be like that forever....other than my mom) I have relaxed, a little, and can accept that being a full time mom, having a full time job, running my own business and doing all the other things I do that sometimes things will be out of place.

If you stop by my house on any given day you'll probably find it pretty tidy. I try, I really do, to keep it kept up. Unfortunately there is one room that has become Monica's closet. Everyone has something like this, right? A drawer, a closet, a room? I know you do! Are you ready? Here is mine:

Now, you have to realize, I took 8 large bins of stuff out of it yesterday so this is better than sometimes. I know, sad right?

There are a number of reasons why this room exists this way:
  1. I need at least one place to "throw" stuff when people are coming over unexpectedly
  2. We have not sat down and created an actual plan for the office and transformed it into a working, functional space (please help HGTV!)
  3. It was just Christmas and it's easy to hide stuff in here (Good luck finding your gift amongst everything else kids!)
  4. I don't have enough time...
And so with our finishing projects this year hopefully many of the things that get thrown in this room will have a place to live in our shed and I can finally create a functional, workable space that won't have to be a secret anymore.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sweets of Christmas - White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies

These are somewhat recent addition to the cookie repertoire. I like the idea of using cranberries in a cookie because they always say holidays to me. They are also very Christmas-y with their white chips and red cranberries.

White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies

1/2 c. white sugar
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. butter
1 egg
1 tbsp brandy
1 1/2 c. flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 c. white chocolate chips
1 c. dried cranberries

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Cream butter, brown sugar and white sugar until smooth. Beat in the egg and the brandy.
3. Combine flour and baking soda; stir into the sugar mixture.
4. Stir in the white chocolate chips and cranberries.
5. Drop by heaping spoonfuls onto cookie sheets.
6. Bake 9-11 minutes and take out while still doughy. Cool 1 minute on cookie sheet and then transfer to wire racks.

Sweets of Christmas - Thumbprint Cookies

These have been made at my house every year since before I was born. I don't believe one Christmas has gone by that they haven't donned the Christmas cookie plate. They are one of my Dad's favorites, especially with apricot jam, and are a staple at Christmas.

Thumbprint Cookies
(thank you Betty Crocker)

1/4 c. shortening
1/4 c. butter
1/4 c. brown sugar
1 egg, separated
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 c. flour
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 c. finely chopped walnuts
jam or jelly

(Note: I always double this recipe - it never really makes enough otherwise)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Mix shortening, butter, sugar, egg yolk and vanilla.
3. Blend flour and salt; stir into bowl with other ingredients
4. Roll dough by teaspoonful into balls
5. Beat egg white with fork. Dip balls in egg white and then roll in finely chopped nuts.
6. After placed on cookies sheet, use your thumb to place an indent in the center of each cookie.
7. Bake 10-12 minutes or until set.
8. Cool and fill with your favorite jam.

Note: Using your homemade jams and jellies for these cookies is ideal. The cookie itself has a subtle taste and really accents the deliciousness of homemade jam/jelly that was made with fresh fruit.


Sweets of Christmas - Coconut Chews

My first job was at Blue Chip Cookies in Silverdale, WA. We made something like 22 kinds of cookies everyday. It's also where I learned all my barista techniques. A great job for a high school kid. I loved it there! Because we baked our cookies fresh every morning, if you worked the late shift you could give/take all the leftovers you wished. In high school my friends loved it when I showed up to the parties and in college my Geology prof couldn't wait until Wednesday! This is my version of the Coconut Chew Macadamia cookie which was one of my, and my Dad's, favorites.

Coconut Chews

1 c. granulated sugar
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. butter, softened
2 eggs
1 1/2 tsp coconut extract
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
3 c. flour
8 oz. macadamia nuts

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Mix sugars, butter, eggs and extract until light and fluffy.
3. Gradually add dry ingredients and mix on low speed for approx 2 minutes.
4. Stir in macadamia nuts.
5. Bake for 10-12 minutes and immediately remove from baking sheets.
I can't get enough of these. Two of my absolute favorite ingredients - coconut & macadamia nuts. Good anytime but a nice addition to the Christmas cookie plate!

Sweets of Christmas - Cream Cheese Mints

The first time I had these my Aunt Debbie had made a variation when I was a kid and we used to travel to Spokane A LOT to visit. (Some of my best memories of childhood, by the way!) She pushed them into those cute little candy molds but since I do so many cookies I go the quick route!

Cream Cheese Mints

3 oz. cream cheese, softened
3 tbsp butter, softened
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp peppermint extract
3-4 c. powdered sugar
1/3 c. granulated sugar
food coloring

Chocolate topping:
1/2 c. semisweet chocolate chips
household wax
1. Line large cookie sheet with waxed paper.
2. Beat cream cheese, butter, vanilla, peppermint extract, & food coloring until smooth.
3. Gradually beat in powdered sugar on low speed until well combined. (I end up kneading it by hand at the end)
4. Roll cream cheese mixture into balls. Roll balls in sugar. Flatten ball with bottom of a glass to make a patty.
5. Refrigerate until firm.
6. Melt chocolate and wax in a heavy duty Ziploc bag in the microwave on 50% until melted. When melted snip tiny corner of bag off. Use the bag as a pastry bag to drizzle chocolate over mints. (Hint - if you want a decorative chocolate swirl put a plastic decorator's tip in the bag before you microwave OR snip the corner two ways to give a fluted look.)
I store these in the fridge after they have set. As long as you put waxed paper in between layers your chocolate designs shouldn't get messed up in a tupperware container.

Sweets of Christmas - Giant Ginger Cookies

These cookies are always a crowd pleaser. I don't know many that don't LOVE these cookies. They aren't too sweet, have that wonderful spice of the holidays and go great with a cup of hot chocolate after skiing all day!

Giant Ginger Cookies

4 1/2 c. all purpose flour
4 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 c. shortening
2 c. sugar
2 eggs
1/2 c. molasses
3/4 c. coarse sugar

1. Whisk flour, ginger, baking soda, cinnamon, cloves and salt together in a separate bowl.
2. In a large bowl beat shortening until soft. Gradually add sugar; beat until fluffy.
3. Add eggs and molasses; beat well.
4. Add 1/2 the dry ingredients; beat until combined. Stir remaining dry ingredients in with a wooden spoon.
5. Roll dough into 1/4 cup balls, dip in coarse sugar and place on an ungreased cookies sheet.
6. Bake at 350 degrees for 12-14 minutes until light brown and puffed.
Sometimes it is hard to find coarse sugar around. I like using the coarse sugar because it makes your cookies look special and more like something you'd buy at a bakery but it's not absolutely necessary. There's a great website where you can find all your cookie decorating needs: The Baker's Kitchen. Here's a link to their white coarse sugar: Check out their other products as well!

Sweets for Christmas - Biscotti

Biscotti is my absolute FAVORITE cookie. In fact, I rarely share it. You won't normally find it on my cookie trays at Christmas or set out at the house if you come by for a visit. If you do, know that you are extremely special!


1/3 c. butter
3/4 c. white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp. almond extract
2 tsp zest of orange
2 1/4 c. flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 c. toasted almond slivers
Optional: chocolate for drizzling or dipping biscotti in

1. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, vanilla, almond and zest.
2. Combine flour, baking powder and salt. Stir into creamed mixture until just blended. Mix in almonds.
3. Divide dough into 2. Form into long flat loaves approx. 1/2 inch tall and 12 inches long.
4. Bake in a preheated 325 degree oven for 25-27 minutes. Cool on a wire rack for 5 minutes.
5. Cut diagonal slices 1/2 inch thick. Lay flat on a baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes, turning over once. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
Optional: when done baking can dip biscotti into chocolate or drizzle chocolate over top.

The Most Sentimental Part of Christmas....For Me

There is no sweeter memory of Christmas for me than making cookies with my Momma when I was a little girl. We would get out the Betty Crocker Cookie Book (a book I still have not gotten a copy of despite it's re-release MOM!), sift through the pages and find our favorite recipes. Now my Momma's book was so loved that almost none of the pages were actually still bound, it was more like a folder that we would have to divide up and sort through, searching for our favorites. Every year I would beg to make candy cane cookies, and every year Mom would say, "Oh, those are so much work, do we HAVE to make them?" But they were my favorite and so she would always relent and we would painstakingly make the dough, divide it and dye it, roll the dough into little "worms" and twist them together. I LOVED cookie day! I haven't made those cookies since I was a kid, maybe they should be on the cookie menu for 2011?

Anyway, this year I shared with you some pictures of my cookie making adventures. I promised to post recipes and so here they'll start! I will post a new recipe in each post so one post isn't a million miles long! I hope you like them Jennifer!
Holly Joys

2 c. all purpose flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 c. butter
3/4 c. sugar
1 egg plus 1 yolk
1 1/4 tsp. vanilla
green food coloring
Red Hots

1. Whisk together flour and baking powder in a small bowl
2. Beat butter and sugar together in a large bowl until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, then add vanilla.
3. Stir in the flour mixture. Tint dough with green food coloring. Put dough in Ziploc bag and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
4. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Shape dough into logs approximately 2 inches long. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet. (You can place these fairly close together as they don't spread much)
5. With food scissors snip 3 times, approx 1/2 in. apart, at an angle. Do not cut completely through dough. Twist cut pieces in opposite directions. this should make your dough look like four holly leaves. Repeat with all "logs". Add a Red Hot to each joint so that there are 3 Red Hots on each cookies.
6. Bake cookies for 10-12 minutes. Transfer immediately to cooling rack.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Afraid of Commitment, Part 1 of 12

New Year's resolutions....they usually just disappoint me. I make them, break them and then feel bad about myself. And yet, because I am such a compulsive lister I can't pass up the opportunity to use the New Year to make some goals for myself (and my family - whether they like it or not).

2011 is the year of saving money and finishing unfinished business. Like most Americans we waste money. A lot of it. Whether it's that cute shirt I can't pass up for Lilly, the latte that I "need" in the morning or the pepperoni & Gatorade Brandon picks up at the gas station for a snack, we waste money. So much so that when/if I really sit down with receipts and add up all the unnecessary spending we do I'm astounded at the sum.

One of our other bad habits that we desperately need to quit is leaving projects unfinished around our house. We have this knack for going balls out on a project....for one weekend. What doesn't get done in that one weekend that we've set aside for that particular task, sits. And sits. And sits. Sometimes it's the most menial task; something that would take 10 minutes. And yet, it sits. We have a partial shed, half painted deck rails, one coat of paint on the new trim upstairs, no caulk on room dividers, trim unpainted on our garage (that we started painting 2 years ago), and the list goes on and on.

And so we talked. We discussed our bad habits and have made a commitment, shook hands on it even, to catch ourselves up...on our projects and our future. But we're short term people. If we were looking at the whole year we'd give up, it's too big of a commitment (we were both NEVER going to get married, remember?) so we are taking it month by month. Keeping in mind our overall year goal, we're focusing on one thing in particular each month.

For January: NO EATING OUT! No coffee's at the coffee stands, no snacks at the gas station, no "Wow, yeah, Thai food does sound better than my PB&J," no "Wow, the burger place across the street from my job smells SO good," no cooking dinner doesn't sound good tonight so we'll grab something on the way home....UNLESS someone else is buying! If we have a gift certificate, gift card or someone else is paying we're in!